Friday, June 13, 2008

Summertime Sayings!

Ah summer, what power you have...ever since the weather started getting better I decided that this summer I'm going to make the most of it gardening which is a matter of faith, grounded, on experience that it would bring the right result... taking the kids out to play, swimming or any activities for that matter...have been hardly at home...making the most of it( I mean summertime).....and I'm glad the kids are enjoying it too...just about 5 more weeks left before I head to work....looks like I took a complete 180 degrees turn...therefore June-time of perfect young summer....fulfillment of the promise of earlier months...and that its fresh young beauty will ever fade...air filled with dreamy magical light..landscape lay as if new created in the freshness of childhood...the memories and associations that our flowers gives us are independent of seasons or age though....yet no price is set on the lavish summer...beautiful sunny morning, makes you happy to be alive, doesn't it? I can confidently say that "summer has set in with its usual severity"

Reminds me of William Carlos Williams quote "It is summer, its the solstice, the crowd is cheering, the crowd is laughing in detail permanently, seriously without a thought"....Summer has always been considered to be the most romantic of the four seasons. The clear skies, blazing sun, the gentle summer breeze and the lazy afternoons flavor the season with passion and warm love...

Having said all of the above "Summer, fall, winter, spring, the seasons rotate as each brings its special beauty to this earth of ours. Winter's sow and summer's flowers frozen rivers will flow come spring. There is a renewal of everything" as quoted by Edna Frohock.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Under the weather!

Patrick Young was right when he said that "The trouble with weather forecasting is that its right too often for us to ignore it and wrong too often for us to rely on it" ....Agreed weather is a great metaphor for life-sometimes good, sometimes bad and there is nothing we can do about it....but can the weather affect our mood...this has always been an intriguing when the days are bright and sunny, one feels happy and energetic, and when it is cold you feel sad, melancholy or even depressed...
probably most people feel a little more blue in the winter and better in the spring but you can't quite put your finger on it. The question rises if there's any evidence to substantiate these seemingly bizarre occurances? Phenomenon? .....Guess changing season is a happier state of of the secrets of Nature lies in its mood of mockery...fine weather lays heavier weight on mind and hearts of the depressed....but no doubt that there is a muscular energy in sunlight and being outside in pleasant weather really offers a way to re-set your mind set, keeping moods upbeat and cheerful and that's what I'm waiting is the sun that affects the aura.... not that we haven't got much of it this time but at the same time hasn't come full fledged either....its been a roller coaster for a while now ...warm and cold, warm and cold, so this also makes it difficult to keep everyone well...May be this unknown author is right when he/ she quoted "Bad weather always looks worse through a window".....

Researchers found out that taking a trip to someplace warm in the middle of winter or lingering outside when spring arrives can be especially beneficial with pleasant weather improving mood, memory and broadening cognitive style as time spent outside increased. At the same time it should not be surprising that weather and seasons affect human behavior, given that humans evolved with seasonal and weather changes since the dawn of the species. Guess we should all take a lesson from weather-it pays no attention to criticism.

A straightforward prescription "If you wish to reap the psychological benefits of weather specially spring and summer, go outside"

Sunday, June 1, 2008

My Idea Of Music!

I know its been a while, no wasn't taking time off but like I said before the month of May has been full of tests and trials for me...

After a day's hectic work I finally managed to see the American Idol ( Grand Finale!)....hearing Bryan Adam's "Somebody" and George Michael's "Freedom" made my whole day's tiredness vanished in seconds hearing these songs....not only I felt more relaxed and at peace, but this entrained state increased my ability to perform well otherwise, the effect is probably because is strikes us more the more familiar we are with it ... Whether you admit it or not, music imbeds our daily life, weaving its beauty and emotion through our thoughts, activities and memories. At least it always gets on one's nerves,
soothes the mind and gives it rest as if its taking us out of the actual and whispers to us dim secrets.....its a kind of pleasure which we cannot do universal language....Like Red Auerbach quoted " Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life"....

I have my own particular sorrows, loves, delights; and you have is the only means whereby we feel these emotions in their universality. Ripples at great speed across languages, ideologies, frontiers and races. Music is the wine which inspires one to new generative processes, induces in us a sense of the infinite and contemplation of the invisible....To conclude I would have to agree with Billy Joel's quotes " I think music in itself is healing. Its an explosive expression of humanity. Its something we are all touched by. No matter what culture we're from, everyone loves music."