Sunday, February 8, 2009

Age as another place!

Hey Folks!

Hope everybody is doing well and in good spirits. I know no excuses work here for me disappearing for good two months when I myself posted blog stating "Strike a Balance". Believe it or not : just have been simply busy, ever since started work time has been a constrain big time. Finally managed and forced myself to get down to blogging.

Often I hear colleagues (including me) at work talking about age and how things change with age, what I mean here is everything right from what one looked like then and now, from being super active to not being able to do much, perception of life, experience and knowledge, getting to know all the ways the world turns etc and thereof a question raises in my mind: A very particularly interesting subject. Is age a passage of time or does it carry with it other transformations that fundamentally change the same way the same individual is viewed? Put another way, does age add an additional lens, one that subtly changes the way human beings are seen and responded to? And if one were to push the question to the limits of reason, does one become someone else in one's older incarnation or does the world see us as someone else as we grow older? Of course, a simple explanation is that it seems so because age is relative to the vantage point of the other person. Hmm a question of mind over matter! I guess.

Therefore leading to the next obvious question: Were our grandparents ever really young? Of course, we have all seen their photographs, those sepia- tinted assertions of their once youth. But it seems as if the people in those photographs are other people, with an admittedly striking faded resemblance to the real ones. Their youth seems to us like a land far, far away and stories about the times when they young have a dreamy, fable- like quality. One doesn't quite locate those stories in the same terrain as one on which we lead our lives. Their youth seems like an aberration or at best, a vehicle for getting them to this point and making them whatever they are today.

I think what happens early on in life is that at a certain stage one stands still and stagnates and every age gets the science it deserves. We also work hard at defanging age by emphasizing its toothlessness, I find it to be an inordinate passion for pleasure though the best is yet to be , the last of life, for which the first was made. Therefore to conclude I would say "There is a fountain of youth: it is your mind, your talents, the creativity you bring to your life and the lives of people you love. When you learn to tap this source, you will truly have defeated age" by Sophia Loren.

Happy Sunday to all of you!
