Sunday, February 8, 2009

Age as another place!

Hey Folks!

Hope everybody is doing well and in good spirits. I know no excuses work here for me disappearing for good two months when I myself posted blog stating "Strike a Balance". Believe it or not : just have been simply busy, ever since started work time has been a constrain big time. Finally managed and forced myself to get down to blogging.

Often I hear colleagues (including me) at work talking about age and how things change with age, what I mean here is everything right from what one looked like then and now, from being super active to not being able to do much, perception of life, experience and knowledge, getting to know all the ways the world turns etc and thereof a question raises in my mind: A very particularly interesting subject. Is age a passage of time or does it carry with it other transformations that fundamentally change the same way the same individual is viewed? Put another way, does age add an additional lens, one that subtly changes the way human beings are seen and responded to? And if one were to push the question to the limits of reason, does one become someone else in one's older incarnation or does the world see us as someone else as we grow older? Of course, a simple explanation is that it seems so because age is relative to the vantage point of the other person. Hmm a question of mind over matter! I guess.

Therefore leading to the next obvious question: Were our grandparents ever really young? Of course, we have all seen their photographs, those sepia- tinted assertions of their once youth. But it seems as if the people in those photographs are other people, with an admittedly striking faded resemblance to the real ones. Their youth seems to us like a land far, far away and stories about the times when they young have a dreamy, fable- like quality. One doesn't quite locate those stories in the same terrain as one on which we lead our lives. Their youth seems like an aberration or at best, a vehicle for getting them to this point and making them whatever they are today.

I think what happens early on in life is that at a certain stage one stands still and stagnates and every age gets the science it deserves. We also work hard at defanging age by emphasizing its toothlessness, I find it to be an inordinate passion for pleasure though the best is yet to be , the last of life, for which the first was made. Therefore to conclude I would say "There is a fountain of youth: it is your mind, your talents, the creativity you bring to your life and the lives of people you love. When you learn to tap this source, you will truly have defeated age" by Sophia Loren.

Happy Sunday to all of you!



Anonymous said...

This is a very interesting topic Rinaya. Of course, long over due for your fans in this blog.

We live in a youth-obsessed culture where people think about Botox, tummy tuck, nip tuck & enhancement surgery as they get older. But here is something that might come as a surprise; A study finds that older people tend to feel about 10 years younger than their chronological age.

This leads us to believe that as long as your heart is young and mind is sharp, you don't age. Haven't you noticed your grand parents how active they are/were in their ripe age ? Especially when they are playing with their grand children, they can be a monkey, pony ride or even a clown. So, what happens to their blurred vision, aching knee, trembling hands & sore back ? Yup, mental state tend to overtake the physical discomfort!

When we get older, wrinkles and grey hair are not really the biggest worries. I believe aged people are more concerned about their mental function and their physical function. Personally, I don't necessarily want to live to 100 but I do want a quality of life that comes with taking care of my body; as being capable of keeping good personal hygiene, dressing appropriately and feeling good about myself.

Aging gracefully is a balance of taking care of yourself and taking advantage of what science and technology have to offer.


Anonymous said...

LOL, interesting blog & the comment. Every time my wife stands before the mirror, she thinks she is 5 years older.

You will know women's age by the # of hours taken for make up :-)


Anonymous said...

Nice to see you active again.

Agreed, age is no bar if mind is willing. I am sure everyone heard about the mother in Calgary who gave birth at the age of 60!!!


Anonymous said...

In olden days people didn't eat chemicals with food. so they lived longer hale & healthy. Now-a-days our life expctancy has gone up but not worth the trouble. My Dadaji used to walk straight even when he was ninty years old....Raveena

Anonymous said...

Gosh... it's been a long time since we heard from u. Great article, what's funny is that when I mentioned to my colleague, it was a great conversational topic in front of wash room mirror!

It's hot summer here. take care.


Anonymous said...

The Calgary mother that you mentioned may not get to pay with her grand child! Kid at 60, gimme a break man! This stretching & science & ethics too thin.


Anonymous said...

kudos rinaya for maintaining this site for 1 year.

Very nice reading, congrats.

Anonymous said...

Marriage at 20 or having kid at 60 is a personal choice. age is no bar and some ppl have no culture... Mohit

Anonymous said...

Hey friends,
All are back & active here.

All I can say is seize the present, time & tde waits for none. Who wants to enjoy life when body is unwilling !!!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow, Rinaya,
I have been checking to see updates every monday morning. Finally.....

great job, interesting comments too.

Tanya, Simran & Raj

Anonymous said...

overall very nice, please keep writing. I read many websites but this is very good, very classy, understanding.

Anonymous said...

Hey Rinaya, Good to see u up & running again:-)

NEEDS reminded me of something. Need to work on my body, ha ha ha...

Rinaya said...

Thanks Everybody. We are missing Thinkpad here!

Anonymous said...

Thinkpad must be still thinking. Or buddy are you hanging up boots already???? Poor vision, memory loss ;-))).....Mohit

Anonymous said...

Good to see this group active again. And one more thing..good job Rinaya.


Anonymous said...

Hi guys,
I have been lurking around this site for a longtime but this is my 1st post.
Rinya, u rite very well. keep it regular plz.


Anonymous said...

In olden days, people lived longer & stayed healthy. Now it only seems longer.

A thought provoking article, well written.

Anonymous said...

When I get old hopefully scientists would have found anti-aging pill.

Anonymous said...

Howdie rinaya,
your topics are very nice to read. As your blog name goes, hope you will write abt your love soon ( 1 more day left)

Thinkpad said...

Hey guys,
Sorry for the delay. My laptop had crashed and just got it back after a painful week!


Anonymous said...

Check your posts & presence here, may be 10 times ? Far less than thinkpad who has been active & contributing meaningfully.Do you think you are a smart alec?

Anonymous said...

Wishing evryone a happy valentines day.

Anonymous said...

Keep your stupid comments to yourself. This is a scathing personal attack on a oldtime member by a newbie.


Anonymous said...

Grow up Mohit,

Unless you are tyring hard to get banned from this site. Mods listening? Ryan

Thinkpad said...

Hello everyone,

My computer had crashed a week ago and they kept saying Xp service pack, virus, spyware or some sh*t like that. All I can say is that it was a week of harrowing experience to get back my laptop.

Back to the topic, I really liked Rinaya's topic & the comments here.

My two cents on this...

When your friends begin to compliment you about looking young, be sure that they think you are growing old. One of the most important phases of maturing is that of growth from self-centering to an understanding relationship to others. A person is not mature until she has both an ability and a willingness to see herself as one among others and to do unto those others as she would have them do to her.

For in all the world there are no people so piteous and forlorn as those who are forced to eat the bitter bread of dependency in their old age, and find how steep are the stairs of another man's house. Wherever they go they know themselves unwelcome. Wherever they are, they feel themselves a burden.
It is a rare and difficult attainment to grow old gracefully and happily.

And oh, one more thing; Mohit go get a real job, you slacker.


Anonymous said...

Come on guys, be a sport. Nothing personal against ThinkPad.....Mohit

Anonymous said...

Good to see Thinkpad back here, anyways lots of fun either active or not.

Anonymous said...

Okie mohit,
Why don't you be a good sport, how about a soccer ball? Will be happy to kick ur :-)


Anonymous said...

I always find this place to unwind & learn something new. Nice work Rinaya, keep it up.


Thinkpad said...

Belated Happy Valentines Day.


Anonymous said...

Good to see this blog active. very thoughtful of you, Three Cheers.


Lisa said...


any new articles???


Thinkpad said...

Hi Rinaya,

Howz Risha?


Tim said...

Looks like recession is hurting everyone!!! Can't find any new articles :-)
