Tuesday, April 8, 2008


"Unforgettable, that's what you are".... Yup I'm talking about "first love which is something so special to all of us" .....unforgettable for some or rather most of us, as it leaves such a life-long impact on us..."One could fall in love many times during the course of a lifetime, but the first rush of love always holds a special place in our hearts. The novelty, like the first drops of dew on an untouched leaf, of the feeling makes it special and unforgettable". It touches our lives and enriches them forever, sometimes idealise them."First Love" is a heady mix of passion and attraction, feeling unknown, unhoped for, unexpected...a company that's electrified and enkindled....for many makes the world go round! Its a different feeling altogether when he called you beautiful instead of hot, called you back when you hung up on him, or did hold your hands in front of his friends and turned to them and said "that's her"!

The magic is such that it can never end...For some it may have been easy to begin but must have been hard to end....For many it may have been a brief moment of vanity or infatuation or remember it as innocent and fragile, when you look back in a situation...and for those whose "First Love" didn't last throughout all time, because there is a reason and there is a meaning, somewhere in the corner of their heart the string remained .....the values never diminishes and we are only left with memories that never fades but will treasure for the rest of our lives...

Either ways the first blush of love is always filled to overflowing but guess has its time, its own season, its own reason for coming and going!


Thinkpad said...

Honestly, I am floored. What else can I say about superb creative skills of this young girl ? Way to go Sanaya.

It was worth waiting for 5 days.


Anonymous said...

My first love dumped me but I can still feel the passion & romance. It is truly unforgettable experience as you put it. I am sure, he remembers too & regrets (?).


Anonymous said...

A heart in love hears music even when there is silence. As Plato puts it "Love is the joy of the good, the wonder of the wise, the amazement of the Gods".

I am referring to the supreme love and not just romantic love between two partners.

When a mother gives birth to a child, have you observed the mother's face ? Yes that's true love.

When the kid grows up & wanders the garden enjoying the creator's another creation- that's pure love.

Loves seems the swiftest, but it is the slowest of all growths. No man or woman really knows what perfect love is until they have been married a quarter of a century.

And finally, the spectacle of an old man and an old woman finishing their journey together on that path. Their hands are gnarled, but still clasped; their faces are seamed, but still radiant; their hearts are physically bowed and tired, but still strong with love and devotion for one another. Yes, there is a more beautiful thing than young love. "Old love".


Anonymous said...

Love is the most beautiful thing that can happen in one's life. It's also the most heart-wrenching experience if love is lost.


Anonymous said...

Great article, way to go Rinaya


Anonymous said...

If you can conquer it, it is the most beautiful thing; If you lose it, it is the most painful experience. Yup, it's First Love.


Anonymous said...

First loves seems to be sweet since it's blind. Once this turns in to marriage & people get to to know each other, it is a matter of convenience. They love each other since they need partners in life.