Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Erb's Palsy

Thanks Thinkpad Risha is doing Great! Getting close to D-day when her cast will be removed...March 24th....

For most of you, who are wondering as to why my daughter has undergone surgery....here's why....She had Brachial Plexus Injury or commonly known as Erb's Palsy at the time of birth. Couple of reasons why it happens...could be due to prolonged labor, the way the child is positioned or it is subjected to force or traction. Difficult childbirth basically. This usually happens when the arm and shoulder are forced down while the head and neck are stretched sideways in the opposite direction. Additional force ruptures the nerves.

When she was born her left arm was absolutely dead and as suggested by Orthopedics, we supported her hand by keeping it folded inside the shirt like a splint...no surgery or physiotherapy was recommended as she was too young for it. We left it at that but after coming here we started diagnosis again and found out that surgery or physiotherapy could have been done when she was born....Anyways the panel of doctors here recommended surgery after CT Scan which showed that one of the muscle is tight, as a result the surgeon did a Sub scapula Muscle Release and Applied Spica Cast.

Now I just hope that this is the first and last surgery for her. Its traumatic!


Thinkpad said...

First the name itselfy is scary "Errrbs" and then you mentioned what the little one had to go through before coming to this world ! Oh my God, it is heart-wrenching just to read and I can very well imagine the trauma that you guys had to go through. It is true that minor surgery is when they do the operation on someone else, not you.

I felt incredibly pained by the suffering and my heart-felt wishes are with Risha. I will extend my prayers for "Mens sana in corpore sano"- famous Latin quotation, often translated as a healthy mind in a healthy body.

God Bless

Anonymous said...


It's cold outside, show the world the warmth of your smile!. A good laugh and a long sleep are the best cures in the doctor's book.

I know you will come out with flying colors & enjoy the sunshine in West Coast.


Anonymous said...

Hi, This is Erica again, we wanted to send you a online card but there isn't a email address. My warm hugs & best wishes to Risha. Wishing you a fast healing.

Good luck

Anonymous said...

Hii..I am sure she will recover soon.. This is her Maasi this side...please get in touch with me on skype..he he he..