Saturday, March 8, 2008

City in White!

While I was having a blast laughing inside this is how it looked was hit by another Snow Storm!

View far and near....completely snow laden!

Big backyard!

Not the greatest view folks...tried still! Enjoy

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Not again" I complained looking at the rain-soaked roads last night. I guess it is in human nature to complain about the problems we face rather than be grateful for what we do have.

We complain about fast foods, when many people in third-world countries don't have any food to eat; we complain about having too much homework in school when some kids do not have the privilege of attending a school; we complain about the noise in the house when many other people in the world are homeless.

Rinaya, you made my day.. looking at those pictures "city in white without roads" :-) I am grateful that winter is not all that severe in my city.

"I complained that I had no shoes, until I met someone who had no feet."
— Persian Proverb
