Friday, April 25, 2008

Death doesn't lie!

It was only yesterday that I was thinking as to what should be my next blog about..thought why not write about Life and how uncertain it is these days as you don't know what's going to happen tomorrow....and when we say this we imagine that hour as placed in an obscure and distant reaction to this discomfort is to communicate to gain information and reduce uncertainty....

In an age of blockbuster disaster movies, sometimes real tragedy seems unreal....No one wants to die yet death is the destination we all share. No one has escaped it slices through every lie, ridicules every belief, mocks every vanity and reduces ego to absurdity....

Sorry for being so dramatic ....but this article is a Tribute to a friend ( Supratik) who passed away on 23rd April,2008 in a tragic event...
"Strange, isn't it ? Each man's life touches so many other lives. When he isn't around he leaves an awful hole, doesn't he?" as quoted by Henry Travers


Anonymous said...

May his soul rest in peace


Anonymous said...

All of us know that death is certain but when tragedy strikes closer to heart, it is unbearable. The sorrow & pain that we go through due to the sudden demise of a close friend is truly heart-wrenching.

May his soul rest in peace and God give enough strength to his family & friends to overcome the grief.


Anonymous said...

It's very sad when young men & women lose thier life. I can imagine how hard it is on parents who see their kids die in front of their own eyes.


Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear abt ur friend's tragic event. Nayeem