Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Sister-an Unbreakable Bond!

Still remember the day she was born…she was quiet big, already looked like a 6 month old baby…almost tucked her so close that there was no chance of escape....and when she used to sleep while my mom thought quickly she could finish all her household chores, there comes me to wake her up….even though she never understood and clueless of what I said, still attempted to teach her alphabets and numbers….on weekends would carry her in my arms and hang around at neighbors house or take her to play in the park understanding that mum could finish some of her errands....helping my mom to feed her was like a “tug of war”.....

When she started going to school the moment I would drop her in her classroom she would innocently look at me and keep looking as far as she could …..telling me “never leave me and abandon me”…..and the moment school was over she used to look for me in the school bus and would be so relieved to see me…..Like Pam Brown quoted “A young sister is someone to use as a guinea pig in trying sledges and experimental go carts. Someone to send on messages to Mum. But someone who needs you-who comes to you with bumped heads, grazed knees, tales of persecution. Someone who trust you to defend her. Someone who thinks you know the answers to almost everything” …..quiet true…and as she grew up….we fought like cats and dogs….we patched up too..said some of the meanest things to each other…did some of the silliest things together…and there’s so many stories to be recalled when we were together…….she didn’t come to see me off when I was leaving for another city for my high-school…reason: she couldn’t take the fact that I was leaving….I missed her everyday then ….Felt her volatile love for me when she was in “crocodile tears” when I got married and was leaving ….never knew it’s this little sis of mine who would function as “safety nets in a chaotic world”….defending me in all corners… time flies and she’s a big girl now….It doesn’t seem to matter now how much time has elapsed or how far we’ve traveled….all that matters now is that we are cast in relation our whole lives long….she knows my faults, virtues, catastrophes, triumphs, rivalries, desires and many more….with time the bonding of sisterhood have become even more powerful…..

Now that she plans to visit us almost after 4 ½ years…I cant wait to see her before she heads off for her big career plunge...already started making plans like she’s arriving tomorrow….The feeling is so intensified!

On that note here’s something for you that I may have not told you in years “It was nice growing up with someone like you-someone to lean on, someone to count on…someone to tell on!” Author Unknown


Thinkpad said...

They say a sister is a friend forever..always connected & bonded. Well, with a slight difference; sister is by chance whereas friend is by choice.

It's true that you mentioned about sisters knowing everything about good and bad.. sometimes more than Santa Claus!!

"Sisters are two different flowers from the same garden." Author: Unknown. Is she super-creative like you ?


Anonymous said...

Is she single ? Not for me but I can introduce one of my close friends ? -Ron

Anonymous said...

Hey Rinaya,

Very moving article. We were out in Kuala Lampur and now catching up on your articles this week.

Tanya, Simran & Raj

Anonymous said...

I too grew up as oldest of three daughters and it's fun to trouble the younger siblings. One lesson I have learnt is when they hit you, never hit back, since parents always catch & punish the eldest !!!


Anonymous said...

You bet, I had fun as the little sis. We always get the bigger piece of cake, extra butter on Roti & support for pocket money pleadings with dad.--Sonam--

Anonymous said...

Thanks but no thanks. Priority will be given to the loyal followers of this blog ;-)

What the hell were you thinking ? Try other cheap forums.


bhaskar said...

I am so sure your sister will be happy to know you feel that way about her. She loves you and your daughters to death. And I can tell you for a fact that she loves your daughter.

Rinaya said...

Thinkpad: True that sister is by chance and friend by choice and I'm glad that she happened by chance.

The answer to your question.."if she's super creative"...Yes she's super duper creative....an Electronics and Telecom Engineer by Profession..on the other hand a content-writer!

Tanya: Thank you...was thinking as to where have you disappeared??...so how was Kuala Lampur?

Erica: Agreed that being the eldest has its disadvantage as well...but I still like the way my mom and dad pampers me.

Sonam: Welcome to my space. Agree with you that younger ones gets that extra attention which the elder one lacks.

Bob and Bhaskar: Welcome to my space.

Anonymous said...

Two creative artists in a family ? That makes an association or may be good enough to start a weekly.

Now that the expectations are set really high, let's hear from your sis.


Anonymous said...

Deadly combination of being a Nerd & Creative ! Unbelievable !

Okay, let's have a techy corner in this blog.


Anonymous said...

Cool, as the days pass by, your blog is becoming infectious. I can't believe I am browsing so early in the morning..

Great job Rinaya & have fun with your sister in canada.

Anonymous said...

Very True, sisters will always remember their family bond (well all women do). Brothers get busy with their own new family after gf comes to life.


Thinkpad said...

I agree 100% with Cathy. Just to back what I said in a separate thread, ultimately it's the girls who will remember the family cord. So, that's additional points for those having a female child !

Contractually they lose the last name after marriage (I think I will keep mine, Hope !) but having sister is like "the happiness" in having a large, loving, caring, close-knit family in another city.

PS: This is not an invitation to Male vs female debate.


Anonymous said...

Rinaya, do you have a brother than you can write about ? I am feeling left out :))

Anonymous said...

Ron, introduce me too, plz....
When do v hear from this super-creative sister? let's have a column on cellphones !

Anonymous said...

Sister is part & parcel of your childhood that is never lost. You may succeed lying to the whole world but not your sister. So, I say it is good to have a sister as a life-long friend.

Anonymous said...

Is she in Canada now? -Vishal-

Anonymous said...

In the bad economy most of the news that I read is depressing. I like your style and this article is very touching. This blog is quite an interesting collection.
