Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Spend Talent Lavishly!

" A Good lot of talent is lost in this world but for one a little encouragement" ...sounds familiar..isn't it? Yup you'll find this one liner in my Profile ( about me).....just a thought that there are numerous people out there who possess various kinds of hidden talent in them but for some reason or the other not able to exhibit them, therefore not cultivate the seed....reasons could be time, money, right opportunity, fear of what other's might say or comment and many more.....and it is these reasons and more which stops an individual to show one's own potential....the population is few who has the "courage to nurture their talent in solitude and follow to the dark place where it leads" but for many if one can motivate us to determine what we can do then that is enough for us to understand our ability and what we're capable of doing.....and the right attitude should determine how well we can do it....belief that they will accomplish them.....hence work your tail off to develop them into skills....more so inner drive and avid faith will help go so much further than vastly superior talented ones.. Like Eric Butterworth quoted "Why be an average person? All the great achievements of history have been made by strong individuals who refused to consult statistics or to listen to those who could prove convincingly that what they wanted to do , and in fact ultimately did do, was completely impossible"

"The task is to recognize that we are uniquely special, have something to give, some talent no one shares in quite the same way"....a theater that moves an audience,eventually blossoms and enjoy the benefit of it and acknowledge one for it....reminds me Stephen Covey's quote from The 8th Habit: From Effectiveness to Greatness...."When you engage in a work that taps your talent and fuels your passion --that rises out of a great need in the world that you feel drawn by conscience to meet -- therein lies your voice, your calling, your soul's code"

Therefore "If you have a talent, use it in ever which way possible. Don't hoard it. Don't dole it out like a miser. Spend it lavishly, like a millionaire intent on going broke" by Brenda Francis.


Anonymous said...

Very inspiring article and encouraging too.

Anonymous said...

Have you heard the saying " Good is the enemy of the Great". So the moral is never try to be good but aim to be the greatest. There are tons of Blogs; many good blogs but very few great ones (like yours, without exaggeration).

My two cents; spend your talent like a millionaire but take it up a notch to be a billionaire.


Anonymous said...

I have talents but no one is giving me a chance. Still doing donkey's job in a factory.

Thinkpad said...

Wonderful quotes Rinaya,

I also like the one by Mary Kay Ash "If you think you can, you can. And if you think you can't, you're probably right."

Come to think about it; It doesn't cost anything to dream big. The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. Test your dreams against beliefs, dare to take risks, and execute your vision to make those dreams come true.
Having said all the above, "don't start day-dreaming". Get back to work :-)


Anonymous said...

Curious to know what's "donkeys job" ? Does donkey's do any jobs at all ? Are you serious some factories hire donkeys ? When you say "still doing" do you have prior experience ?
Sorry, I have seen donkeys only in a zoo.

Anonymous said...

hey hey easy Mike, B nice. Maybe he meant the bosses are donkeys not able to recognize his talents!


Anonymous said...

Donkey's work means hardwork. Just like the locals in Canada doing construction work.

Anonymous said...

It's tough to be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else. huh! to some extent, our surroundings drive us...Carole

Anonymous said...

Rinaya, wow what a great piece of advise.

When we meet the opportunity, a great deal of preparation & a bit of luck is required.

Anonymous said...

Why is everyone going after the interest rather than the principal??? Read & grasp the original post by moderator.

Anonymous said...

A good friend of mine asked me to visit your site and I am awestruck by the abundance of topics & creative ideas all in one place. It's like walking in to Macy's. Very impressive.

God bless and three cheers.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, for being lazy to write. I still visit this site whenever I get time. ++Subroto++

Anonymous said...

Thinkpad, when I dream it's still day-dreaming (due to time difference) :-)

Anonymous said...

Some people fail to recognize your talent(especially at work place) due to lack of talents!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Well said Rinaya, we need a spark from outside to recognize our fullest potential and need constant encouragement to keep the fire burning. Also, it is hard to get a day job that pays well as well as full of passion. In most cases, it is either one or none, rarely both.


Anonymous said...

To clarify, I have technical skills that I acquired back home but can't use them in Canada. This is not recognized since employers are asking for Canadian experience. So, I work night shift in a factory.

Anonymous said...

from good to great, jus love it-- Lisa

Anonymous said...

Amazing blog! I have gone through several of your articles and all are superb. Did'nt know where to post a general feedback. But here I am and glad I found this link.


Anonymous said...

Hi everybody,
This is one site that keeps me coming back for more. I enjoy reading the responses too:-)

Anonymous said...

If u don't use ur talent for a while, it is worthless. Just like a rusted knife. As I read some of the comments here, sounds to me that the acquired skills will die unless u take time to brush it up early or add more skills.

As the economy gets tough, it will be cutthroat competition in every field. It is good to be a specialist than a generalist.

Anonymous said...

This blog is like icecream, good for any age group and delicious anytime. How do you manage to write on different topics & create interest among so many people.


Anonymous said...

No kidding, fantistic work on catering to everyone's taste. Good job Rinaya!


Anonymous said...

very cool site, is there any way you can group the topics or provide index.


Thinkpad said...

More talents please.....