Monday, April 28, 2008

Strike a Balance!

Couple of years ago I attended a workshop titled "Adventures in Attitude" conducted by Carlson Learning Group who are associated with TGIF ( Thank God Its Friday) ..while going through the workshop we came across an interesting topic..."Balance of Life".....which states that its very important to strike a balance in all the facets of life( work, health, personal, social, & recreation) or in other words live a balanced I realize it even more that Balance and its Power is indeed a key element of a Happy minus balance is equivalent to inviting stress in our lives...quite frankly time is not the problem but the number of task that we take on....we need to learn to juggle between all the areas of life....basically arrange for a scaling back down the road. Even if we're in a very hard-hitting, high powered position, that doesn't mean we sacrifice our family. If we take self care measures and get creative about integrating between our work and family we can be successful and fulfill personal obligations...thereof imperative to re-assess our happiness and satisfaction with the level of housework, time spent together and what amount of time we each spend at work and home.

When I say creative I don't mean inventing something totally new, it is about making new synergistic connections. Give yourself permission to be playful and inquisitive, flexible and versatile and finding the right balance in our body, mind, life and work will help us refine our goals and hasten us towards them. It will lead on to a journey to improved health, spirit and well-being. Like Dalai Lama teaches, "A balanced and skillful approach to life taking care to avoid extremes, becomes a very important factor in conducting one's everyday existence. It is important in all aspects of life.".....therefore will assist us in bringing down the level of heightened state of mind. On the tightrope of life, only one thing allows us to move forward, and that one thing is balance. Without balance we fall into chaos, we fall behind, we miss out on what true choices we have in life. Like Brian Tracy quoted "The universe is completely balanced and in perfect order. You will always be compensated for everything that you do".

On that note let us all begin living our best lives-not some one-size- fits- all, contrived happiness!


Anonymous said...

I am spending lots of time on balance, literally; watching weight & eating balanced diet...Lisa

Anonymous said...

I lost my bank balance while striking a balance between home & work.

Anonymous said...

This is envisaged a top rated article.

Isn't it always a debate between CARE & CAREER ? There are people who slog day n' night to get a better life, but alas, they can't enjoy the wealth since they end up in bed due to exhaution/ ill health.

Working too hard for those extra "ER" in Career ? That's a sure ticket to ER (Emergency Room).


Anonymous said...

I work from home, so too little of balance I guess. At times, I feel, I am missing office gossip, coffee-room meetings & lunch-time shopping.

Well written,

Anonymous said...

Very good advice for the Gen Y, too busy with materialist achievements.

Anonymous said...

Where was this picture taken? Reminds me of Colorado Springs.... Steve

Thinkpad said...

"Care Vs Career"? good one, NEEDS !

As many individuals juggle several significant life roles like parent, spouse, child, worker, student etc. role conflict has contributed to work-life imbalance.

In the past 20 years, the global workplace has seen increased numbers of working women, dual-career and single parent families, and increased numbers of employees with eldercare responsibilities; a decrease in job security; and a blurring of work-family boundaries due to technological change.

So my friends, the quest continues for that elusive work-life balance. Good Luck!!


Anonymous said...

It is possible when you find the right work & right family. People spend too much time in one side if the other place is boring or too exciting.

Anonymous said...

For me, balance in the family means I stay at home & my bf can work. Any takers ?????


Anonymous said...

Sonam: You gals want to stay at home as well as cry foul of work place descrimination & not having equal opportunities. --Mike

Anonymous said...

My take on this is to have positive attitude. when u wake up in the morning, u have 2 choices; either b in good mood or bad one. i choose to be positive & not worry abt 2morrow.


Anonymous said...

You write very well. This is my first visit to your blog and I must say it is very impressive & deeply engrossing. The topics are simple yet the ideas are profound with originality.

Good luck & hope to see many more articles.


Anonymous said...

No doubt this is a top rated article. Also, good to hear from so many loyal fans. I just like the family-like environment here.


Anonymous said...

Hello everybody,

good to see many faces & opinions.

Cheers, Ankit

Anonymous said...

Work-life equillirium is the elusive formula in modern times. One need to set moderate goals & set healthy boundaries, which varies from person to person. ---Masood