Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Summer's Pride!

Yard Sale
Farmer's Market
Quilted Heirlooms, Saint Jacobs Farmer's Market

For all those who wants an update as to how's Risha doing? She's doing GREAT! we definitely see some improvement in her hand movement and physiotherapy is still on plus exercises at home...

Finally spring has arrived with double digit temperatures, weather is gorgeous and in no time hot sizzling summer will arrive too. There's no ignoring summertime. Fun time is here again (coming soon actually!) as kids dash out in bikinis, holding bucket and spade in hands, lapping on loads of sunblock lotion and running off in flipflop in a carefree manner, love sun drenched days, garden fragrances thick in the air, the dandelions and buttercups gild all the lawn and starlit nights. After being trapped indoor for good 7 months, now its time to break free and bask in the warm sunshine! There's burst of activities lined up. And naturally there'll be barbecue invitations too. And when I say burst of activities, one of them that's lined up for me is "GARAGE SALE", also called "Rummage Sale", "Attic Sale"....I'm a complete "Garage Sale Savvy" come weekends and I love to explore from one street to the other looking for mostly decorative items, an excellent way of spring cleaning for many, to get rid of old stuff and start afresh, and for many like me these items becomes treasure....usually I'm an "Early Bird" in Garage Sale meaning arrive before the hours of sale to review the items....after all who wouldn't love the summer morning so bright and fresh, birds darting to breast the breeze and sweeps the cool clear sky!

The second and the last burst of activities that I'm crazy about is "Farmer's Market"-a benefit for the urban consumer who values quality, variety and freshness in food. I usually visit one that's close to my house but this time guaranteed I'm going to Saint Jacobs-heard Farmer's Market here is fabulous every season. Aisles and aisles of fresh produce from across Ontario and from local farm gardens. More than 600 vendors in a colorful rural settings. Plus crafts, home decor, clothes, tools and many more. The other incentive that draws me to visit this place is the "On-site petting barn" that I wanted to show my elder one for the longest time. I definitely want to discover this Saint Jacobs country, have a gentler time, explore one of Canada's largest year-round farmer's market.

Summer is definitely a strong and commanding season, where it leaves many traces of its presence. Enjoy the sunshine while it lasts!


Anonymous said...

voila ! your subzi mandi opens only in summer ?? Rest of the time it is frozen ? I think we are better of in Dilli with access to fresh fruits & vegitables throughout the year.

Anonymous said...

I am happy to hear that surgery went well. Love you Risha, take care


Anonymous said...

It's the time for fishing trips wohoo...

Anonymous said...


You write very well. Simple yet engrossing; creative but not boring; Top notch !

Anonymous said...

I too love browsing through the treasures of a garage sale. May be we can start an online garage sale in this forum.. anyone??


Anonymous said...

Hello Folks,
This is Margado from Peru , great to read your articles & response.


Anonymous said...

I like summer too, but spring is the best. Avi

Rinaya said...

Priya: WE have subzi mandi that's open throughout the year as well...Farmer's Market are fresh produce from the farm...Par Dilli ki baat hi kuch aur hain!

Erica: Thanks!

Brian: Welcome to my space and thanks!

Nicole: Welcome to my space

Margado: Welcome to my space

Avi: My favorite season is spring too but after coming to Canada, I started to enjoy the summer here more than spring!

Thinkpad: Where have you disappeared?? without your comments, this blog is incomplete!

and NEEDS-where are you now? Busy??

Anonymous said...

Great to see so many new names. But Nicole, no garage sale here, these articles are original stuff !!


Anonymous said...

Top Notch,
I am very much alive & kicking! Slightly at a loss of words though.


Thinkpad said...

When it comes to garage sales, I have to admit, I am very naive. Firstly, I can't wake up so early on a beautiful Saturday morning. Second, when I go on shoppig I would love to see the new price & original price struck down with a pen (gossip with friends "I saved $$$ today"). And lastly, I can't just bargain like one of my friends who can start the offer at 50% of the asking price! What starts in store aisle ends up in living room, then basement, to garage & then again to someone's living room.
I guess,even these goods go through the theory of (re-birth)carma.


Anonymous said...

Wow, it's interesting to see different perspective based on region. Over here in Oakland Pak, FL, it is too hot during summers.

Anonymous said...

Right now it's too hot in my city. I can't imagine summer !!!!!!

Anonymous said...

i really like the articles in this site. u have a brite future. keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

Yard sale, sidewalk sale, garage sale, blowout sale--- I like them all. I don't even mind the midnight madness excepet when the mall is buzzing with shoppers and there is no parking spot left within two blocks.


Anonymous said...

yes, good to see everyone back on your Blog. Whatz up Thinkpad, the slacker?


Anonymous said...

Delhi is very hot now. Enjoy your summer time Rinaya,


Anonymous said...

Nice article though summer has been elusive. Hopefully next year should be good. Elnette