Monday, March 10, 2008

Adventures in Immigration!

The mere thought of landing on a foreign land is exciting and a "dream come true" for many but it isn't the same when you land to start afresh right from the scratch. Its a new beginning though and takes a lot of courage to move into a new country specially couples having infants. Its a challenge!

It takes a lot of time to learn what to expect and what is expected out of you. Just shortly after we arrived in Canada, we had high hopes and expectations but tension crops in when you see families who arrived months before you, are still jobless or still looking or barely making something. We felt frustrated, confused and depressed. We dealt with different kinds of experiences and feelings. At one point even thought of going back...thinking this is not worth it....why take all these struggle when we already climbed the "ladder of success"....but thought to oneself....let's give it a try...Eventually you do become comfortable, may have few good experiences, some less enjoyable ones but the "feeling of being at home" takes time.

Babysitting is another problem that most families experiences. Finding the right one and then your child adapting well to it, is another point to be taken into consideration. Its more of a concern for those moms who never left their child with anybody and as a result kids are more attached to their mom as well. But on the other hand kids are very adjustable and they well adapt themselves with every situation. For example my daughter never cried when I first began to leave her with a Spanish babysitter on a trial basis... in fact I had tears in my eyes!

Medicare in this country is again so different from your own native land. How it works here is that you first have to register with a family physician and then get referred upon, depending upon the nature of problem. At the first sight it sounded ridiculous to me but it took good 4 years for me to understand the system and now I would proudly say that medical system here is par excellent! It looks silly in the beginning as we were so used to directly approaching a specialist in our hometown. But here its very systematic. Again needless to say we have heard about people having bad medical experiences as well and which is everywhere!

Coping up with weather conditions specially when you hail from a warm country is another challenge. Best way to overcome the severe winters is to be prepared and be well-layered. Summer is undoubtedly beautiful. What is worth mentioning is that during "autumn the city looks really beautiful when the leaves change colour, turn yellow and red and falls on the ground".

Lastly and the most important one is Job Hunting. Its the hardest part to handle and most of us loose self-confidence in the process, gets demotivated, low energy and financial hardship. This is the only country which doesn't recognize any International Qualification and the idea of studying all over again is kinda difficult. Not that immigrants don't do it but for me it was next to impossible. At that time "Sustenance" was more important than anything else.

Overall the journey wasn't too bad. Though the journey is still on and we have a long way to go. For most of you will be glad to know that we finally made it. On that note I would like to conclude that "There is light at the end of each tunnel"


Thinkpad said...

At the outset, I have to admit that I am not familiar with Canada. But based on what I heard & read, the weather is very frigid (remember the City in White !) so the wast land mass is thinly populated. With a total population of 33 million (little more than Texas @ 22 Mill but less than the state of California.

It's a vicious circle of government having to spend more money on free healthcare, social assistance, road maitenance in a tough climate, fewer tax payers.. no wonder they have one of the highest tax rates in North America.

Unless they can figure out how to sell some snow as potable water !!!

But Canada is known for abundance of natural resources. Did you know that Canada has the world's second largest proven oil reserves next only to Saudi Arabia ? I am sure if you are in mining/oil & gas industry, Canada will be a Mecca for job hunters.

Hey, no complaints; You can't get the Canadian quality of life anywhere else. Free education, free healthcare, free marijuana (yes, the govt runs those clinics) & virtually no crime. If you come to think of it most residents are highly qualified immigrants. Even the cab driver is a graduate and his boss, an engineer or MBA.

I think in the long term, as the population increases, economy would boom, create more jobs & cause the tax rates to drop.

So, the panacea is to increase the immigration numbers from wealthy countries (they bring cash !) and give tax rebates & incentives for parents to have more babies.

Anonymous said...

I guess there are good & bad things in every country. Let's look at the brighter side;

Every year 25,000 blank Canadian passports are lost or stolen: BAD
At least they keep track of the numbers !: GOOD

Medical use of marijuana is legal in Canada: BAD
Prairie Plant Systems Inc., the company that produces cannabis is under contract with Health Canada !: GOOD

Canada is a country whose main exports are hockey players and cold fronts. Our main imports are baseball players and acid rain.

Canada could have enjoyed: English government, French culture and American know-how.
Instead it ended up with: English know-how, French government and American culture.

Canada is like a loft apartment over a really great party. "Keep it down, eh?"


Anonymous said...

I am a mechanical engineer but after searching for 6 months now working in a factory. I had a very very good job back home but here in Canada the whole family is working, still not enough savings.

No use complaining as I can't go back now. What will they think so decided to stay here.

Now I am going for night shift, bye
Afzal Khan

Anonymous said...

Hello everybody,

Thank you Rinaya for the summary of life in Canada. Can someone explain the immigration process(through consultant or own) please. We live in Dubai & want quality of life (as thinkpad puts it).

Thank you
Narula family

Anonymous said...

Immigration to Canada ? I will leave it to the experts. Let me tell you about Canadians:

We brag to Americans: Shania Twain, Jim Carrey, Celine Dion & more, are Canadians. Just like the Indians like to count how many CEOs, doctors & scientists in the US are from India !
We enjoy four seasons : almost winter, winter, still winter & construction.
We buy cars & snow blowers and end up with more kilometers on our snow blower than the car.

Canadians invented ski-doos, jet-skis, velcro, zippers, the long distance and short wave radios that save countless lives each year. Our Drugstores make the sick walk all the way to the back of the store to get their prescriptions while healthy people can buy cigarettes at the front.


Anonymous said...

Hooray! My favourite topic:

So, you have heard it's cold, but exactly how cold ? Here is the conversion chart:

50 Fahrenheit (10 C)
New Yorkers try to turn on the heat.
Canadians plant gardens.

40 Fahrenheit (4.4 C)
Californians shiver uncontrollably
Canadians Sunbathe.

35 Fahrenheit (1.6 C)
Italian Cars won't start
Canadians drive with the windows down

32 Fahrenheit (0 C)
Distilled water freezes
Canadians have the last cookout of the season.

0 Fahrenheit (-17.9 C)
Emergency declared in New York.
Canadians stop seal hunting

-40 Fahrenheit (-40 C)
Santa Claus abandons the North Pole
Canadians pull down their earflaps & start saying "cold, eh? "

Anonymous said...

How did Canada get its name:

The original name for Canada, dreamed up by a parliamentary committee in London, was "Cold North Dominion," but that waas too long, so they abbreviated it C.N.D. The King's Royal Governor presented the new name to the inhabitants, and they didn't say a word. Just looked at him.

"Well, what do you think?" asked the Royal Governor?

"C., eh?" said the first fellow, and just looked at the Governor.

"N., eh?" says the second guy.

"D., eh?" says a third one. Then silence.

"Hey," says the Governor. "I like that. It's a helluva lot easier to pronounce when you spell it that way." So that's how Canada got its name.


Thinkpad said...

Come'on people !! Someone really wants info about Canada. Let's keep this Blog informative & Moderator focussed rather than a your ranting column.

Did you ever notice when you blow in a dog's face he gets mad at you---but when you take him in a car he sticks his head out the window?

Can you guys/gals stop fretting & peeving ? If you don't like cold, move on..there are thousands out there in the Q who wants to go to Canada.