Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Counting Days!

Four more days left and my daughter's cast will be removed and we would know the results... though I'm pretty confident that with physiotherapy the movement of her hand will be much better...after all the surgery was not to worsen the case but to improve it....( for many of you may not notice anything at all with her left hand but there's a slight twist in her left arm for which she was operated)....for an outsider not noticing her hands at all and before surgery was all "natural recovery" and she compensated well....she has enough strength in her hand overall....

After she was discharged from the hospital I didn't know what to do if she complained of pain or how she will manage with the cast for 3 weeks...My heart used to beat fast all the time because I had no means to pacify her..Felt helpless..and this Spica cast is different...its like a wrap-a-round around her chest and another cast on her left arm and these two has been supported with a wood and her hand has been kept straight for the last 3 weeks...the five centimeter incission has been done just below the shoulder at the back....Difficult! Still find it hard to digest.

But I'm glad God gave me the courage and strength to face it all and I'm finally here. Thank you all for your prayers and wishes. Believe me it was tough!

And that reminds me of a Swedish Proverb " Fear less, hope more. Eat less, chew more. Whine less, breathe more. Talk less, say more. Hate less, love more..And all good things are yours"!


Thinkpad said...

"Time is a great healer" and I am sure, this time around it's your time RISHA,

Personally, I believe that health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. So, the fact that Risha is cheerful & happy leads me to believe that she will be 100% OK after the surgery.

Hope I am not preaching here but my point is; health is more a state of mind than just the physical well-being. With the right attitude one can overcome anything.

I was looking at the total number of regulars & visitors to this Blog. With these many prayers going out to so many gods(so many religions!), I can imagine the bountiful blessings coming your way.

Prayer is exhaling the spirit of man and inhaling the spirit of God. ~Edwin Keith

Rinaya, it's all about Risha today. Sorry..Just not your day :-)


Anonymous said...

Happy to hear about your daughter's progress. My prayers are with you Rinaya & Risha.

Get well soon & keep smiling


Anonymous said...

Hi again..

Nice articles and good luck with everything.


Anonymous said...

I really enjoy the posts here. I keep checking this site atleast once a day. Does anyone have thinkpads's email ?

Anonymous said...

Get well soon Risha,

Jyaada "LOAD" nahi leneka kya??


Anonymous said...

I think Risha is a very pretty girl. She is so beautiful that I never, at any point in time thought she had any sort of an issue with her hand. But I am glad that she is doing well. I love the way that you write because its simple, yet its so engrossing and you write as if you are a very creative person. You write about the most simple things in life and yet I can relate to it somehow. Great work. I keep coming back for more. Its really awesome. And I must say you are very interesting as an idividual as well.. Rock on..

-- Samarth

Anonymous said...

Risha, It's March break now so break free from the cast.

Good luck

Anonymous said...

For me, the appropriate metaphor for the inner spiritual centre is a garden, a place of potential peace and tranquility. This garden is a place where the Spirit of God comes to make self-disclosure to share wisdom, to give affirmation or rebuke, to provide encouragement, and to give direction and guidance.

Most of us, swimming against tides of trouble the world knows nothing about, need only a bit of praise or encouragement and we'll make the goal.

You can do it Risha, it's just a matter of days & hours......


Thinkpad said...

RISHA, It's been couple of weeks and hope you have recovered completely by now. Can you tell mom to give us an update ?