Sunday, March 30, 2008

Earth Hour!

The logo for Earth Hour
Overview of Sydney in Earth Hour 2008

Last year an idea was sparked by lights being turned off for an hour in Australia's lead city- Sydney, today Earth Hour is an International Event which asks household and businesses to turn off their lights and shut down non-essential appliances on the evening of March 29th between the hours of 8-9 pm to promote electricity conservation thus reducing carbon emissions. Hopes of a cleaner world to shine in our darkest hour. Communities and individuals are getting together to find new ways to reduce their impact on their environment and to start a movement that ends with a solution to the common challenge we all face. Millions of Americans and around the globe, people on five continents took part, from Albania to Zimbabwe, Bosnia to Uzbekistan, Canada to Uruguay to spread awareness and make it a highly successful event.

Earth Hour now being a huge global success therefore sends a strong message that we need to take action on climate change now. There were Celebrations around the world to mark the end of Earth Hour. Sydney celebrated with fireworks while Nelly Furtado held a concert at Nathan Philips Square in downtown Toronto to celebrate Earth Hour.

Hence the message that even the longest journey begins with a single step!


Anonymous said...

This is more of a marketing drama than a genuine effort to conserve our environment. Don't get me wrong, I am still "Green". Yes, we conserved electricity for 1 hour. This timing on a Saturday refers to only the external lights of commercial buildings & monuments.

But think of money spent on advertisement. How many trees did we cut ? What about lights used in concerts & the pollution from fireworks. Not to mention of increased crime when it's dark (yes this is a proven fact). Finally what did we do with the electricy saved in our grids ? If it's not used elsewhere, it is a wasted energy. Let me explain..

Think about the power shortage in a developing nation. They observe earth hour literally everyday. If you can think of ways to save power & transfer it to the needy, there is a purpose. Else, this is nothing but a publicity stunt.

Anonymous said...

What an irony. In Pakistan, we have earth hours pretty much everyday, throughout the year but nobody cares.

Media is all about who & not where or how.


Anonymous said...

I guess now you are in Canada so how does it matter ? There are lots more happening there; terrorist training, oppression of women, human rights violation, child labour, polygamy etc for the world to be concerned about.

I do care about the above in your country becoz my tax dollars are going as a humanitarian aid. We are fighting a global war on terror but you are more concerned about seven virgins.

When you live on this part of the globe, try to appreciate the noble things & emulate them back home.


Anonymous said...

Atleast it created awareness among the public to turn off the lights. Let's do our part to save our planet & the future of our kids.


Thinkpad said...

There's no scientific consensus on human-caused global warming.In fact, more than a hundred scientists have dared to publicly disagree with the supposed "global warming" consensus.
The earth continually warms and cools. The cycle is undeniable, ancient, often abrupt, and global. It is also unstoppable. In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill.

"Greenland's ice will melt, causing oceans to rise twenty feet", is science fiction, not reality. Norwegian explorers settled on Greenland's grassy coast. But the climate cooled, and by 1350 AD, ice covered their fields and coastal waters. That "Little ice age" -- a natural shift in the revolving cycles of nature which wiped out the entire community.

Any slight variation in ocean levels are naturally moderated by increased evaporation during warmer cycles. God planned His creation well!


Anonymous said...

To All,
Stop driving the gas-guzzling SUVs and save earth...Mohit

Anonymous said...

What, you guys are doing a Ph.D on climate change ??????
Anyways, It's a good cause and I support this.

Anonymous said...

Happy B'day Mohit

:-) Tim

Anonymous said...

You scared the sh*t out of everyone. No one is turning on their computers !!