Friday, March 21, 2008

Fresh Outlook!

March 20th was the first day of spring yet no signs of relief. Still has to be layered..though the sun is shinning and warms and lights us on a regular basis but unknown what its signaling to....Heard one more snow storm to go....This is what happens to me...come March third week and I get impatient about I am sitting anxiously, waiting to welcome summer but doesn't seem to come any sooner...Cant go against Nature I guess! But still would say "May the sun shine all day long"!

In this part of the world people are blessed with a fine appreciation for warm weather. After all, we wait so long for it to arrive. And when it does we tend to make the most of it and this season I intend to come up with some fresh decorating ideas to help bring my lawn-both front and back to life this spring, summer and beyond..Ideas all set in my mind and mere thought of it makes me fall in love with my backyard once again ....Truly nature can help you bridge the seemingly contradictory aims of creating an attractively grown-up yet kid friendly outdoor space. I'm planning to decorate my backyard in such a way so it demarcates zones for kids and adults so everyone has room to unwind in. Still don't know as to what I'm going to do with the space that I have near where my Air Conditioner is placed...probably plant some vegetations or nice marigold flowers in bunches and maintaining gaps between each bunches and surround this with brick boundaries....Overall a neat look yet should look beautiful, easy to maintain...

For my front outdoor space "Planters would be a perfect ten" they provide the crowning touch to your outdoor space...specially the ones with rustic Terra cotta or classic cast iron look along with best selection of seasonal plants and flowers are a perfect blend.

Besides this I'm going to light the way with solar powered path-lights which would add style and function without costing the planet. This time my eye is set on Malibu solar light with frosted shade in Satin Bronze.

I guess that's all for this season...Too many plans ..hope it results to be a treat that we all can relish...After all "Its designed to break your heart. The game begins in the spring, when everything is new again, and it blossoms in the summer, filling the afternoons and evenings and then as soon as the chill rains comes, it stops and leaves you to face the fall alone" as A Bartlett Giamatti quotes!


Anonymous said...

Time to take the cover off the gril & fire up the BBQ. After the brutal "old man winter" this year, everyone is waiting for blooming daffodil, a songbird at dawn, and surprising shaft of warmth from the afternoon sun.

It is also the month that the festival of Holi is celebrated. Not to forget the Easter & Jewish Passover.

Spring is all about warmth & color and my favorite season.


Anonymous said...

I guess my favorite season or seasons is spring and fall. I think the mid 70s is perfect temperatures. Plus I love the trees changing colors and the flowers blooming.

Well living in Vegas I definitely hate the summer. 115 is just too hot. I don't like being hot anyway. I rather be cold because I can always put more clothes on, but you can never take enough off.


Anonymous said...

Your backyard looks really beautiful. Is that the picture from last year ? You are not only creative but a good landscaping designer too.

Cheers, keep writing

Anonymous said...

Happy Holi to all. If you don't know what I am saying, then consider it a holy day or holiday.


Anonymous said...

Whatever the season, your novelist seasoning of the blog is really good.

Do you have a day job as a content writer ? No kidding.

Keep writing, nice job

Anonymous said...

This is a busy week end. As we bid farewell to winter and look to beckon in spring, anglers like me begin to ready our equipment for the upcoming fishing season.

Enjoy the spring & summer while it lasts :-) Toby

Anonymous said...

Couldn't ask for a better weather to enjoy a day of fishing. My wife enjoys gardening while I am having a blast in lake simcoe.


Anonymous said...

I love gardeing, have an appreciation for all living beings. This is a great narration & without doubt one of the best I have ever read. Rinaya, you write very well, hope to read all of your articles very soon.
