Saturday, March 8, 2008

Laughed En-lightened!

As the saying goes that "Laughter is the best medicine" or even "Smile" for that matter as it "Cost Nothing", I can now sense it already. Feel so much better today after laughing on stupid things that me and my best friend were chit-chatting for good two hours. Talking about how people stress on certain words like "But"and make it sound like "Butt" in other words how accent makes a difference, husband talking about wife's labor pain indicating that in case wife doesn't deliver by due date then doctor will have to seduce her, should have used the word"Induce", friends asking "where are you calling from, sky-pe se?"( all Hindi speaking people would understand this) instead of saying "Are you calling from Skype" that was a "pun on the word". These are the few examples that we were laughing about. Indeed it is a blessing to have someone with whom you can share and talk anything and everything possible under the sun...What a feeling!.For the longest time didn't have a chance to laugh like this. Thanks Dcen. Like researchers say that "laughing can be a total body workout" I guess that's what I had today..."complete aerobic workout". For someone like me who often store negative emotions such as anger, sadness and fear rather than expressing them...the laugh today provided a way for these emotions to be harmlessly released. Feels good. Agree! Laughter is cathartic.


Thinkpad said...

My best friend is the one who brings out the best in me. She used to say a friend is like a good bra: hard to find, comfortable, supportive, always lifts you up, makes you look better, never lets you down or leaves you hanging, and always close to your heart.

Laugh often, at yourself and others. Trust me, if I couldn't laugh with my firends, we would all go insane. Just along the lines of the language puns that you mentioned, One of the best comedies I remember is "Mind your Language", a British TV series. It's all about students misunderstanding English words or terms, and plays up to the cultural stereotype of their individual nation of origin. I heard this show was remade in India too ?

I have realized that good friends are hard to find, harder to leave, and impossible to forget. Usually they hear the song in my heart and sings it to me when my memory fails. I am glad to hear that you have such a great friend.

I would rather be in chains with friends, than be in a garden with strangers.

I am sipping my first cup of coffee & browsing a magazine; now in a dilemma as to get the second caffeine jolt or wait for your daily Blog ?

Anonymous said...

Me too, Rinaya where is the Sunday edition of your Blog ??

Anyways, here is my tip of the day" If you want your spouse to listen and pay strict attention to every word you say, talk in your sleep"