Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Now and Then

Wow! finally managed to get some time to work on my blogs....guess too much work...but at the same time love the idea of multi-tasking...keeps me busy!.....

Just wondering how life takes a turn when you are having an affair and when you get married and have kids....A drastic change takes place...Back in 1997 when I met my husband ( now) then my boyfriend it used to be only us...just me and him and nothing in between....He used to be my center of attraction and I used to be him...We were focal point for each other...Meeting him thrice a week was compulsory but we both used to wait eagerly for weekends.....come weekend and we used to be out for the whole day....watching movie, eating out, shopping, just hanging around in Priya ( Delhites.... are quite familiar with this place) used to be our favorite pastime. What a feeling! Its the best thing that one could ever experience...falling in love and in love with the person you always wanted...and if its love at first sight...half of your job is done....and that's what happened to me...Yes! it was Love at First sight....Felt like we knew each other for the longest time just like a sailor would know the open sea....We were growing together...We were mad about each other...didn't care about the world....we became rebels at that time and nothing could stop that time it was like "Take away love and our earth is tomb" as rightly quoted by Robert Browning.....

But sooner or later we had to enter into the institution of marriage and we did but since then life has never been the same....all those pampering and nurturing were all gone....lost all freedom....Family mattered most, I mean in-laws, relations etc. That's why in our religion people say that when a girl gets married she just not gets married to the boy but to the whole family. At one point I almost felt like me and my husband were stretched enough to make spaces for all these third parties to fit in....But I am glad we made the right move at that time according to situations....And after having kids one becomes all the more busy....taking care of them, raising them, thinking about their betterment,one tends to think about their kid's future, education, career plans and all these then takes the front seat.....all these and many more and then we fail to strike a balance between all the areas of life....

Huge difference between now and then! Its a Paradigm Shift....Yet to conclude I would say "Love is all we have, the only way that each can help the other" by Euripides


Thinkpad said...

We all have a childhood dream that when there is love, everything goes like silk, but the reality is that marriage requires a lot of compromise. The more you invest in a marriage, the more valuable it becomes.

I think the middle years of marriage are the most crucial. In the early years, spouses want each other and in late years, they need each other.

Thinkpad said...

Whoever you are, you sound like an interesting intellectual.. may be I should re-phrase " a walking encyclopedia". I do contribute to other Blogs and one of them made a strange request: they want to provide a link to your Blog since they found your articles very interesting. Let me know if it's ok since you have intellectual property rights to your Blog.


Anonymous said...

Isn't it true that romance before marriage is like a movie trailer; marraige is watching the the movie ?

Girlfriends are like chocolates, taste good anytime.
Lovers are like PIZZAS, Hot'n spicy, eaten frequently.
Husbands are like Dal, Rice, eaten when there`s no choice

People think they have to find their soul mate to have a good marriage. You're not going to "find" your soul mate. Anyone you meet already has soul mates - their mother, father & lifelong friends. You get married, and after 10 years of loving, bearing and raising kids, meeting challenges - then you'll "create" your soul mate.

"Love is a feeling, Marriage is a contract, and a Relationship is work"-Lori Gordon

Anonymous said...

I love Hash RestoBar in Priya market. Next time when you are in Delhi don't forget to visit Caventers in Connaught Place. Milk shakes mmmmmm...

Anonymous said...

East or West, India is the best. Even though I am in Canads now, the best part of my life has been & will be (when I retire) spent in India.

Interesting, they call it dual citizenship !!


Anonymous said...

I love stories like that. I think abroad the concept of being married " forever" has lost its importance. Its no longer relevant. Its so nice to know that Indians still believe in the institution of marriage. And that is one thing I love about Indian men. Though things are changing, yet I think a majority of Indian men are loyal and willing to make it work. You are truly blessed to be so happy.