Sunday, March 9, 2008

Remembering Yesteryears!!!

Now that snow storm is over and sun is shinning bright, its time for some “Fresh Ideas inside and out”. Before I proceed any further with my thought process here’s some highlights that I don’t want to be overlooked:-

Thanks Maxey, it was you who inspired me to start my own Blogs. This is just a beginning and I hope to climb up the learning curve!

This goes to all of you- Thinkpad, Needs, Cathy, Rina, Ellisa,Mohit and Tanya….Thank you for your comments ..and continue to do so….it keeps me going….my thought process works even faster….And I do want to reply you all back but I guess my setting restricts me to do so…I’m trying to work on it and the moment its fixed….I will write to you all!

Cant imagine how days, weeks, months, years are passing by so fast….Speeding like a “Go Train” leaving all poles behind, by the time you look back, its long gone…At this point I want to rewind and take a trip down the memory lane. Probably go as far as AG days when I used to be a back bencher, fond of PT classes all the time, always looking for an opportunity to practice sports, used to be an active participant in every choir, elocution contest, painting or ads poof…at that time could lay my hands on anything…be it running , relay race, long jump, high jump, shot put, badminton or baseball for that matter. Athletics was my passion. Won awards for all the category and raising score cards for my house…still remember “ I belonged to Griesen House” or popularly known as “Red House”. High school days wasn’t that great and fun, it was only studies, career and all that. Then comes the so called “peak time” era when you get into University and all you hear about is right course for right career where many people believe that university or college is all about being serious most of the time..Well this theory didn’t apply to me ….there was no looking back ever since I enrolled into University…the best days of my life starts here….University days! I will always cherish forever….It was a heady time of freedom…. Friends, fun, bunking college, taking hitch to go home, U-specials, College Festivals, visiting rural places to complete Rural Management Projects, to name a few…..Luckily my love life was also blossoming at this time ( same person eleven years my husband)… was like an extra cheese topping on a cheese pizza….with him I “lived life king size” and on my own terms! Like someone wrote a testimonial for him..."A true diamond in this rhinestone world!!! Way more precious and totally out of the league for most. Yup, he is a treasure"!! No doubt about it....

Finally comes the days of “Independence”..I’m talking about “working life”….those were good old days….shopping in GK, partying at “Blues” and "Ruby Tuesday" is worth remembering….night outs in JNU Campus and watching how close can people get at “Djinns” are some of my fondest memories. GE Cafeteria laugh during dinner time will be remembered by most GE-ites ( now Gen pact) as we used to be the loudest….what else can you expect with me and Chidiya having infectious laughter…The “Sariska Trip”, its up-close encounters with wildlife, gaudy sunrise and sunsets and amazing solitude…all these and memories from the trip will always endure…Its something which will always “be with me, for me and by me” ! ….

Now its only “Orkut” that keeps me connected….but “Gone are those days…Only Memories remains”!


Anonymous said...

Do I know you? I used to be with GE. Photo looks nice, are you # 2 or # 4 from the left ? Let me know your Orkut profile name.

How is your daughter doing.


Anonymous said...

Thanks a million Rinaya, you brought back my happy memories of unforgotten treasures; College.

It took me a long time to figure out that it's not where you are that counts in life; it's the memories that you make there in each new chapter. As we turn the pages of time, we discover hidden mysteries and triumphs.


Anonymous said...

Hello Rinaya,

This is Erica from Sydney. I am a homemaker and know nothing about computers. My 10 yr. old daughter was using the internet & I happen to read your articles. Now I have read them all !!. All the articles & the responses are nice & clean (you know what I mean when I see so many people writing crap online).

Great job. Your thoughts have certainly made positive impact in our family.

Thinkpad said...

You bet, college days are the best moments in life. The spirit of adventure, real feelings of freedom and who cares about tomorrow ? Ah.. and not to forget the March breaks, camping, movies, shopping & more. Now when I see the flashback, some things may seem silly but oh dear.. what a fun with friends. Friends come and go as you grow but their memories last a life time. Well, come to think of it; aren't old friends like old songs that remain with you for years together ? You never think of them during all that time. Yet one day many eons later, you hear a bit of the interlude playing somewhere or catch someone singing it and find yourself humming along like it was a tune from yesterday. Like someone you thought you forgot, but instantly recognize. From the twinkle in their eyes to the crinkle in their smile.

Rinaya, I wish I was more active like you in sports & athletics. I guess, your daughters are following your foot steps with an active lifestyle.

Warm regards

Anonymous said...

Old Memories are gold ? I don't agree. Not always as there are many crap persons we meet.. and they do no deserve to be praised.


Anonymous said...


don't argue. just read the entire post before you write.

Anonymous said...

Just my personal opinion


Thinkpad said...

As part of Charter of Rights, you certainly have Freedom of speech. But who cares ?

Frankly, this sounds like your personal problem. Mohit, time for a new boyfriend or girlfriend (depending on who you are).

We are referring to great friends and fond memories. In friendship, you have a choice to either blend, mend, bend or end.

One can not generalize that everyone is bad just like the rose garden where you will find flowers & thorns. In our society too, you can find both good & bad, but you can make a choice.

Let me give you an easier example; you can not generalize the the word "Indian" since it means different background to different people; East Indian, West Indian, Native Indian, Red Indian etc..Obviously they are all different.

So, if you have seen crap in a relationship, wrap it, dump it in the garbage (that's where they belong) & move on.

Anonymous said...

Well, you forgot two more; North Indian & South Indian :-)