Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Tear for Fear

Ever since I got the phone call from Sick Kids Foundation for Risha's surgery, I was petrified. Varoius kinds of thoughts were streaming down my mind. Made several calls to close friends to ease myself but nothing helped. Didnt know what to do. On one hand I knew that nothing's gonna happen as its an external surgery nothing related to the major organs but on the other hand I was worried about aneasthesia & all that. I could not even concieve of the idea that my precious daughter would go to an operation theatre and come out unconscious with all kinds of wires hanging around her. Cant even imagine! My eyes almost went dry. Tears for Fear. Thanks to Decn and Chhabi for their constant support. But on the contrary I was absoulutely tensionless when Risha was in the OT, I guess the migrane took it all, partially also left it all upto the panel of doctors & the confidence they instilled in me.

Thank God, its all over. I must mention here & it is indeed worth mentioning that the services rendered by Sick Kids Foundation is par excellent. Special thanks to Dr. Sevan Hopyan, Dr. Farshid Tabloie, Nurse:Jesse, Kaitlyn & Cast Specialist:Fay.

Now I just hope & pray that Risha recovers soon & the purpose for which the surgery is done is met & we dont have to go thru it again. Good Luck Risha & Mummy loves you. You are my most treasured possession!!!


Thinkpad said...

When you get to the end of all the light you know and it's time to step into the darkness of the unknown, faith is knowing that one of two things shall happen: either you will be given something solid to stand on, or you will be taught how to fly.
So, Rinaya, don't worry...Risha will be perfectly alright. You have waited for 5 years for this moment and it is only a matter of days.

On another note ; Action is the beginning of accomplishment. Without it, you have only wasted dreams and good intentions. Believe you can and you're halfway there to becoming a great Blogger. As far as topics are concerned, don't try to figure out what other people want to hear from you; figure out what you have to say. It's the one and only thing you have to offer.

Rinaya, Congatulations on a great start, I like your creativity & looks like you will go leaps & bounds. And for me, I will be a loyal fan of your Blog !!!

Anonymous said...

So, how is Risha ?

She's your precious little daughter
With a sweetness from above
Who will fill your years with laughter
And your lives with lots of love

Best wishes

Anonymous said...

So, you are the brave little girl who went to the Sick Kids Hospital ? Good to see you smiling and wish you the very best.

Be strong & keep smiling.

My daughter was admitted in Sick Kids Hospital not long ago and I am ever grateful for their excellent care.
"Guarisci presto" that's Get well soon in my native Italian.

Anonymous said...

ही रिषा,
विशिंग यू अ स्पीद्य रिकवरी. इफ यू कैन'टी रीड हिन्दी, तेल यौर मोम टू ट्रांस्लाते. वे लव यू एंड.

थिस इस इन माय नेटिव लंगुअगे हिन्दी !!!


Thinkpad said...


How is Risha doing, now getting closer to the "exam results" day.

Also, keep your positive energy flowing through this Blog. It's been couple of days without your daily dose. Sounds like we need some Paparazzis to chase the celebrities

Cheer up

Anonymous said...


Good luck, waiting to see your pranks & smile.