Friday, March 28, 2008

A Twist of Fate!

How cruel is that of an individual to make use of somebody's love, money, emotions,energy and probably many more to land onto a foreign land, when he anxiously waits for her in the airport after six long months of paperwork to start a new beginning in his life...and then she says upon arrival that "I don't love you, I love somebody else, give me all that requires to set me free"...By that I mean divorce...Those were his moments of truth...His fate took a weird twist...You live with him in his own house which was bought to provide all comfort and luxuries, does expenses to keep his loved one happy and and he gets nothing in return...while he puts his heart and soul, makes extra effort, 100% positive that the marriage will work , believing "let bygones be bygones"....she continues to do her homework as to how to rip him off through his wallet ( one's own hard earned money) , thinking how to amputate him...ask what's his fault, prompt comes the response "Because he tries to make this relationship work"....

There you go somebody wants to go Scott free and upgrade her status at the expense of somebody else's money yet talks about her own entitlement. What kind of conscience is that? Dirt Cheap I would say....For him "It was First Love", she meant the world to him, dreamt many dreams, planned probably five years ahead....I can imagine the "monumental assault on his heart".....and the hatred planted within him will never fade...Reminds me of a song of Michael Learns to Rock titled "Breaking my heart" which goes "There is no excuse my friend for breaking my heart, breaking my heart again, this is where our journey ends for breaking my heart again"! True some journeys cant be traveled together so it stops there....

It hurts me specially when its not meant for a deep loyal soul....I know it will take years for you to amend but I'm always there when the whole world has gone out ! After all "A friend is someone who understands your past, believes in your future, and accepts you just the way you are"



Anonymous said...

This is a touching story. This sounds like a scam rather than fate.

Anonymous said...

Nice article Rinaya. In my opinion most divorce cases are in western countries with partners changing lovers as if like changing clothes. For us marriage is sacred & bound by family, cultural & social values. In fact India has one of the lowest divorce rates at 1.1 % compared to UK with 42% & Us with 54%.


Anonymous said...

I believe in love marriage but extra-marital affairs ?? Strict no-no. If it is true love, why not marry him in the first place ? I am not sure if the story is true or fictional but refers to a very cunning scam artist who knows how to skim people. Sadly this is becoming very common in India too.


Anonymous said...

This sounds like a story taken from a Bollywood movie. The hero is stupid; if I were in his place, would have packed her back from the airport itself.
Jah, jo karna he karo

This is outrageous. Those who break my heart deserve nothing in this world. period


Anonymous said...

Very thought provoking story. It can happen to both men & women straying in to infidelity. One evil-minded individual can create a stigma to the entire society.


Anonymous said...


I laugh anytime an overly nationalistic indian boasts about the “stable” state of marriages in India, as opposed to the volatile and frightingly high divorce rates in western countries.

I did a search on this. Actually India is not even in the top ten countries of lowest divorce rates per 1,000. Lowest is Libya with .24% & others like Italy, Chile & Mexico are all less than .5%.
India, with a population of over a bilion, 1.1% works out to 1.1 million divorces every year. And you are saying there are no bit**es in India ??


Thinkpad said...

Fact or fiction, this is a great story Rinaya.

Irrespective of the numbers it is true that some of the Asian countries have one of the lowest divorce rates. Arranged marriages, life style under the nosy eyes of family, cultural & social restrictions for a single women and long-drawn proceedings in the divorce court are the factors "extending their marriage" I am sure, lots of women in Asia compromise & silently suffer through the marriage rather than face the wrath of the community.

Contrary to this, in our so called western world, women have more freedom, can raise their voice & survive on their own and obtain a "no-fault" divorce as easy as getting their nails done.

Wait until Asian marriage laws are re-written, more women become career-minded & society accepts nuclear families. With over 3.5 billion of world's population, will soon be a heaven for divorce lawyers.


Anonymous said...

Some modern women have "Histrionic disorder". What is it ? They are manipulative, attention seekers, dominate the conversation, use grandiose language, seek constant praise, dress provocatively, exaggerate friendships and relationships, believe that everyone loves them.

The one mentioned here appears to be all of the above plus a shameless criminal and deserve the highest possible punishment.


Anonymous said...

I loved the story. I know its true. And Im sure you'll know who the source is. And I must say this story kind of make me insecure about my partner. i JUST WON'T BE ABLE TO COPE UP WITH THIS. sAD.

Anonymous said...

This story sounds so classic like my childhood who friend went through the same experience. She was born & brought in the US. Due to parents to pressure, she was "taken" to India and got married to a guy who came here on a green card. After two months he applied for a divorce and then went home to get his actual wife (yes, he was already married once before). What a tragedy !

Unfortunately our laws protect the illegal immigrants (what else is this but an immigration scam)


Anonymous said...

Sounds like an interesting story. I have heard of similar things too with NRI marriages.

It's like a perfect plot for a Hindi movie. Let's split the earnings. What do you say Rinaya ?


Anonymous said...

Guys, why are you hijacking a thread ? The topic is on cheating girl/boy friends/spouses and not about divorce rates and the reason.

I have a good friend in Marines who served in Iraq. After 2 years he returned alive only to find his wife & 8 month old baby gone. yeah, she developed an intimate affair & walked away. Thank god, she didn't rip him of money.


Rinaya said...

Vikram, Ramita, Amira, Vijay, Katy, Trevor, Anonymous and Stella: Welcome! to my space

Whether you call it a scam or copied Bollywood story but its a true story, its very easy to say that one can send her back right from the airport..try doing that when you are married which involves not just marriage itself but many more.

Thinkpad said...

The story is about Infidel partners and can happen to both men & women. Millions of families have been shattered due to extra-marital affairs, thousands of children have become orphans - all due to "lust" factor. Whatever happened to the marriage wovs they take saying hearts and spirits are entwined as one ? Can this sacred contract of relationship be broken easily by a piece of paper signed in a court ?

We insist on permanence, on duration, on continuity of marriage. Is the broken promise of love life less punishable offence than a first degree murder ? Think about the number of destitutes created in our society due to a infidel husband walking out of a wedlock... the kids, wife, family & freinds- all are devastated.

Our legal system doesn't punish the infidels, but in turn rewards them with a better life. Innocent women & kids suffer due to "no-falut" divorce policy as it is easy to make money both for the seeker & the lawyer. Just like we have sex-offenders registry, they should create a love-offenders directory so that it does not affect many more innocent lives who get tricked by looks, fame or money.


Anonymous said...

Inspiring article..Rinaya, did you say true story ? Huh, really unbelievable. she appears selfish & Heartless and very proficient with the laws in a foreign country. I don't think she deserves love life, EVER.


Anonymous said...

True story ? I am shocked, well not so much after seeing some characterless guys & gals. What kind of upbringing is this ? May be the parents and siblings are behind this. Also, this can't be the first or last time. Watch out folks...


Anonymous said...

I like Thinkpad's idea of love offenders' directory.
To add my two cents here, also strip them of all privileges like driving license, cigarette/liquor sale, phone connection etc. etc.


Anonymous said...

I agree with Ramita partially. I have seen some "ghamandi" NRI boys and they prefer gore chammadi in a foreign country. I don't think these things happen in India.


Anonymous said...

Come to LA and I will show how these so called foreign girls offence to anyone here but these things do happen everywhere probably never gets reported in India. They get married in the name of god but betray the trust & cheat for money. They end up in strip clubs or destitute homes anyways.

Anonymous said...

What I will say is: you can’t gauge fidelity from what a girl is like. Some of the most faithful girls I’ve known have been some of the most hedonistic and sexual, where some of the least have seemed prudish and dull to most.

So, I agree with Rinaya, it's fate.

Anonymous said...

Mahesh Bhat ji are you reading them ? perfect for your next film.
True story or not, some girls are a piece of garbage without any feminity. --Ankur

Anonymous said...

Many girls think going to foreign land gives them more freedom, evident from the way they dress. They are bed hoppers full of silicone implants. Beware

Anonymous said...

I agree, these ppl betray trust & shatter families. They will strike again & again to fleece money. This is another form of prostitution rampant in our western world.

Even though the number is small, they are like cancer on womanwood.

Anonymous said...

Ok, just to clarify my point; everything is changing in 21st century. Live-in relationships & marriage break-ups are common in Indian metros. But most are due to in-compatibility issues between couples & not cheating as in this story.

Anonymous said...

This is what happens when you have no control over the kids, give them freedom to roam the streets free, where they go & when they come home. I am suprised that they not only supported infidelity but encouraged ripping money..Cathy

Anonymous said...

Ding dong bell
Bitches in the ditch
Who put her in
No one, she grew up in one
Ding dong bell, ding dong bell.


Anonymous said...

I wish Miss India 2008 contestants had read your blog. Judges asked them a similar question about Divorce rates in India.


Anonymous said...

In recent times, in the guise of equality, women are too focussed on career & have no time for family. So, the only place they talk to humans is work place (affairs!) and at home they end up living with a pet (dog's life). Wish they could show some feminity with family, it would avoid straying spouses, both men & women.---Mike

Anonymous said...

Agreed Mike,
It would also reduce the epidemics like lesbians & gays in our society and help create more happy families.

Anonymous said...

Yikes..How mean?? This flirt used marriage to get a better life & ruin others. They will never be happy with one partner. When you see such girls run like crazy! No better than glorified escorts. Yes, my rant is on the entire group of shameles sl**s, their family & close friends who create a bad name for the entire womenfolk.


Anonymous said...

How did I miss this article????
So, ppl, how did this story end, I guess either way it would be a tragedy.


Anonymous said...

There are couple of things here. One who breaks hearts as a hobby will never get a beloved heart. This lady is evil & eyesore for the entire society. She did it for financial gains & had a sick mind & sinster plans right from the beginning.

Moderator; Why don't you publisher her name so that she can read all the glory ???


Anonymous said...

I was searching for love story when this link popped up.

This is an excellent ponzi scheme started by a flirt. Get a free visa, money & then vanish. Repeat all over in a new country. These bottomfeeders should be deported. I am just mad that this throws dirt on good women.
